Asset Rescue Partners is a professional unclaimed and lost asset location and recovery firm. Companies and businesses all change and evolve as time goes on. Many of the changes that take place result in numerous mergers, acquisitions, name changes, fictitious business name filings, address changes, asset sales, bankruptcies, takeovers, ownership sales and transfers, bankruptcies, etc. These evolving changes sets the stage for assets of all kinds to be lost or misplaced. We help organizations of all sizes successfully reclaim assets they were unaware existed. We provide specialized services required to recover unclaimed or lost funds for our clients.
We analyze data that is not readily available with a simple web search and is typically not undiscoverable on the internet or available to be claimed through government agency’s funds website. These sources include hundreds of jurisdictions many of which are exempt from government entities escheat laws. Additionally, many of the unclaimed or lost assets we locate are from sources where our clients’ rights to claim funds may be lost by not filing a claim over a period of the time.
After our detailed analysis on each claim, we gather documentation to show our client’s how our clients are the rightful claimants to the assets located.